--here's the magic: v_sourcedat --matches source files to datums create or replace view v_sourcedat as select unit_id||well_num as well, datum_m, gw.sn, source from v_loggerdat wd, ( SELECT tmp.sn, min(tmp."time")::date AS start, tmp.source FROM tmp_gwdata tmp GROUP BY tmp.source, tmp.sn) gw where gw.sn = wd.sn::int and gw.source not in (select source from v_sourcetowell) union select unit_id||well_num as well, datum_m, gwo.sn, source from v_loggerdat wd, (select * from v_sourcetowell) gwo where gwo.well = wd.unit_id||well_num order by well; -- using v_sourcedat, as above -- the final data create or replace view v_gwdata_4hr as SELECT datum.well, datum.sn, gw."time", gw.dtw::numeric(10,4) - datum.datum_m::numeric(10,4) AS dtw, gw.dtwsd, gw.temp, gw.tempsd FROM v_sourcedat datum JOIN gwdata_4hr gw using (source) WHERE gw.temp <> 3::numeric AND gw.dtw > (-0.5) AND gw.dtw < 4.5 AND gw."time" < '2010-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone ORDER BY datum.well, datum.sn, gw."time";
A Bayesian proportional hazards model with a penalized spline
In my previous post, I outlined a Bayesian approach to proportional hazards
modeling. This post serves as an addendum, providing code to incorporate a
12 hours ago
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